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If English isn’t your first language, don’t worry. We have translations of our ‘Get there with Care’ Service Brochure and Client Handbook in a variety of languages.


Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) for people who do not speak English and for the English speakers who need to communicate with them. TIS National is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for any person or organisation in Australia requiring interpreting services.

Their website:

Phone number: 131 450


Get there with Care – Services Guide

If you require assistance with a language not provided, you can go to our services page and use the translation tool  to find out more about Connect’s offered services in the language of your choice.

If the preferred language for you or a family member is not listed, please let us know.

Client Handbook

  • Our new client handbook is available here in English.   If English is not your first language, please select the Other Languages. This will take you to a new page where you will be given the option of picking one of many other languages in which to view the client handbook.

Transport for NSW – Community Transport Information Brochure

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